Martina Geiger‑Gerlach

Die Verbindungslinie zwischen der Stadt Ulm und der Wissenschaftsstadt Ulm

Die Verbindungslinie zwischen der Stadt Ulm und der Wissenschaftsstadt Ulm |
The Connecting Line between the City of Ulm and the Science City of Ulm

The following task is formulated in the call for bids of a competition: "The link between the city of Ulm and the city of science Ulm must be discovered and pointed out". The submitted concept proposes to draw the 3644,1 meter long line as directly as possible. Depending on the ground, the line is drawn with chalk or chalk spray, goes through houses, over walls and fences, across temporarily blocked roads and railways. This drawing will then be photographed in 1-meter sections and published on a scale of 1 : 20 under the title: "The Connecting Line between the City of Ulm and the Science City of Ulm" as a 1225-page book. The first 39 meters of the line were realized for the submission, the concept won the 1st prize, the entire connecting line has not yet been commissioned.

Competition Model | 2007

Paper Stack DIN A5, 1225 Pages,
Sample Booklet DIN A5
Marked Map
(Map Extract © Falk Verlag Ostfildern, with Kind Permission)

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Die Verbindungslinie zwischen der Stadt Ulm und der Wissenschaftsstadt Ulm